Opinion Article, J Clin Image Case Rep Vol: 7 Issue: 3
Mechanism of Psychology and its Classification
Ohashi Yancong*
1Department of Psychology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding Author: Ohashi Yancong,
Department of Psychology, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: yancong.o@gmail.com
Received date: 02 June, 2023, Manuscript No. CICR-23-107542;
Editor assigned date: 05 June, 2023, PreQC No. CICR-23-107542 (PQ);
Reviewed date: 19 June, 2023, QC No. CICR-23-107542;
Revised date: 26 June, 2023, Manuscript No. CICR-23-107542 (R);
Published date: 06 July, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/CICR.1000254.
Citation: Yancong O (2023) Mechanism of Psychology and its C lassification . J Clin Image Case Rep 7:3.
Clinical Psychology is an informative and multifaceted field that delves into the complexities of the human mind and behavior. It requires understanding how individuals examine, experience, and respond, and it plays a significant role in various aspects of life, including mental health, education, business, and relationships. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combines cognitive and behavioral techniques to treat mental health issues. It helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. Psychology's fundamentals can be developed from historical civilizations, effect individuals assemble such as Plato and Aristotle pondered the nature of the mind and consciousness. However, modern psychology as a scientific discipline began to emerge in the last decades of the nineteenth century.
Major classification of psychology
Psychology encompasses various branches that focus on different aspects of human behavior and mental processes. Some of the major branches include:
Clinical psychology: Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental disorders and emotional problems. Clinical psychologists use therapeutic interventions to help individuals improve their mental well-being and create successful lives.
Developmental psychology: This branch explores the psychological growth and changes that occur throughout a person's lives. Developmental psychologists’ study cognitive, emotional and social development from adolescence to older adult’s age.
Cognitive psychology: It examines mental processes such as thinking, memory, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making. Understanding these cognitive processes provides insights into human intelligence and behavior.
Social psychology: Social psychology investigates how individuals are influenced by their social environment and the impact of group dynamics on behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.
Industrial-organizational psychology: Industrial-organizational psychology focuses on applying psychological principles in the problems to improve employee motivation, productivity, and organizational efficiency.
Impact of psychology
Psychology plays an important role in understanding and addressing various societal challenges and individual difficulties. Some methods in psychology impacts society include:
Mental health treatment: Clinical psychologists, counselors, and therapists help individuals with mental health disorders through assessment, therapy, and support.
Education and learning: Educational psychologists study how individuals learn and develop effective teaching methods to enhance educational outcomes.
Workforce productivity: Industrial-Organizational psychologists help to organizations optimize employee performance and occupational accomplishment, contributing to a healthier work environment.
Behavioral interventions: Psychologists contribute to designing interventions to promote positive behaviors, such as smoking cessation, healthy eating, and exercise.
Research methods in psychology
Psychology is a wide and continually evolving study that affects the comprehension of the human mind and behavior. Psychology has advanced far in separating the complicated nature of human cognition, emotions, and behaviors, from its initial philosophical origins to the development of modern scientific methodologies. As a society explore additionally into the various fields of psychology, novel possibilities for improving mental health, education, and generating good social change become accessible, establishing psychology as an essential component in the common effort for an improved awareness of individuals. Psychologists use various research methods to study human behavior and mental processes.
Some common methods include:
Experimental research: In experimental research, researchers manipulate variables to observe cause-and-effect relationships. Controlled experiments allow psychologists to generate assumptions about the impact of specific factors on behavior.
Surveys and questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires obtain information from a large number of participants and are used to study attitudes, opinions, and behaviors.
Case studies: Case studies involve in-depth examination of an individual or a small group to increase insights into exceptional or special phenomena.Observational studies: Observational studies involve observing and recording behaviors in natural settings, providing valuable insights into real-life behaviors.