Citiation Addictive behaviors therapy rehabilitation
Articles published in Journal of Addictive Behaviors,Therapy & Rehabilitation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Addictive Behaviors,Therapy & Rehabilitation has got h-index 14, which means every article in Journal of Addictive Behaviors,Therapy & Rehabilitation has got 14 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Addictive Behaviors,Therapy & Rehabilitation.
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 0 | 0 | |
Total published articles |
41 | 38 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
111 | 94 | 121 | 82 | 43 | 103 |
Journal total citations count | 776 |
Journal Impact Factor | 3.46 |
Journal 5 years Impact Factor | 4.22 |
Journal CiteScore | 3.88 |
Journal h-index | 14 |
Journal h-index since 2017 | 12 |
Cowell, Whitney. Judicial Treatment of Parental Mental Health in Child Abuse and Neglect Case Law. Diss. Palo Alto University, 2020. |
Mahmoud, Dalia AM, et al. "Attitude of Health Care Professionals Toward Patients With Substance Use Disorders." Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment 20.4 (2021): 429-443. |
Meyers, Stephanie A. The role of gender in experiences of substance use-related stigma and injection drug use initiation processes: An intersectional approach. San Diego State University, 2020. |
Nichols, Tracy R., et al. "Social Stigma and Perinatal Substance Use Services: Recognizing the Power of the Good Mother Ideal." Contemporary Drug Problems 48.1 (2021): 19-37. |
Whitney, Jason. Students' Lived Experiences in Collegiate Recovery Programs at Three Large Public Research Universities. The Pennsylvania State University, 2018. |
Meyers, Stephanie A. The role of gender in experiences of substance use-related stigma and injection drug use initiation processes: An intersectional approach. San Diego State University, 2020. |
Crisafulli, Michele Anne. Problem recognition among individuals with alcohol-related legal offenses: The impact of personal and perceived stigma. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2016. |
Taylor, Bruce G., et al. "Social Stigma toward Persons with Opioid Use Disorder: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey of US Adults." Substance Use & Misuse 56.12 (2021): 1752-1764. |
Taylor, Bruce G., et al. "Social Stigma toward Persons with Opioid Use Disorder: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey of US Adults." Substance Use & Misuse 56.12 (2021): 1752-1764. |
Joudrey, Paul J., et al. "Inpatient adoption of medications for alcohol use disorder: A mixed-methods formative evaluation involving key stakeholders." Drug and alcohol dependence 213 (2020): 108090. |
Meyers, Stephanie A., Laramie R. Smith, and Dan Werb. "Preventing transitions into injection drug use: A call for gender-responsive upstream prevention." International Journal of Drug Policy 83 (2020): 102836. |
Watts, Justin R., Wei?Mo Tu, and Deirdre O'Sullivan. "Vocational Expectations and Self?Stigmatizing Views Among Collegiate Recovery Students: An Exploratory Investigation." Journal of College Counseling 22.3 (2019): 240-255. |
Mancher, Michelle, Alan I. Leshner, and National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. "Barriers to broader use of medications to treat opioid use disorder." Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives. National Academies Press (US), 2019. |
Murnan, Aaron. "Exploring treatment needs among women who prostitute." Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions (2021): 1-20. |
Mehta, Gaurav, and Alyssa Hirji. "The Outcome of Structured Education in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Substance Use Disorder: A Literature Review." Canadian Journal of Diabetes 44.6 (2020): 487-493. |
Hartwell, Micah, et al. "The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on alcohol use disorder." Drug and alcohol dependence 216 (2020): 108209. |
Engel, Liam B., et al. "Positive drug stories: possibilities for agency and positive subjectivity for harm reduction." Addiction Research & Theory (2020): 1-9. |
Long, Emily. Using Social Network Analysis to Examine the Intersection of Adolescent Friendships and Health Behavior. Diss. Utah State University, 2018. |
Derin, Murat. Madde ba??ml?s? bireylerin sosyal d??lanma alg?lar?: Ankara AMATEM örne?i. MS thesis. Sa?l?k Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017. |
Goodyear, Kimberly, and David Chavanne. "Sociodemographic characteristics and the stigmatization of prescription opioid addiction." Journal of addiction medicine 14.2 (2020): 150. |
Woodhead, Erin L., et al. "Stigma, treatment, and health among stimulant users: Life stage as a moderator." Journal of applied developmental psychology 60 (2019): 96-104. |
Cheetham, Ali, Emma Sandral, and Dan I. Lubman. "Outcomes of reducing stigma towards alcohol misuse during adolescence: results of a randomized controlled trial of the MAKINGtheLINK intervention." Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 14.1 (2020): 1-8. |
Yang, Y. Tony, and Leo Beletsky. "United States vs Safehouse: The implications of the Philadelphia supervised consumption facility ruling for law and social stigma." Preventive medicine 135 (2020): 106070. |
Brown, Austin M., et al. "Dynamic labeling discernment: Contextual importance of self-identifiers for individuals in recovery." Alcoholism treatment quarterly 38.2 (2020): 215-230. |
Tuliao, Antover P., and Derek Holyoak. "Psychometric properties of the perceived stigma towards substance users scale: factor structure, internal consistency, and associations with help-seeking variables." The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 46.2 (2020): 158-166. |
Stutterheim, Sarah E., et al. "Stigma in the Dutch Health Care Sector: HIV-Positive Substance Usersâ Experiences and Health Care Providersâ Perspectives." ARC Journal of Nursing and Healthcare 3.3 (2017): 11-22. |
Worley, Julie, and Kathleen R. Delaney. "Turning the tide." treatment of substance use: A nursing response. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 8.2 (2017): 116-124. |
Haskuka, Mytaher, Aliriza Arenliu, and Kaltrina Kelmendi. "The relationship between substance use and suicidal behaviour among adolescents in selected European countries: A test of normalisation theory." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 25.5 (2018): 413-421. |
Matsumoto, Atsushi, Claudia Santelices, and Alisa K. Lincoln. "Perceived stigma, discrimination and mental health among women in publicly funded substance abuse treatment." Stigma and Health 6.2 (2021): 151. |
Bardwell, Geoff, et al. "âThat's a double-edged swordâ: Exploring the integration of supervised consumption services within community health centres in Toronto, Canada." Health & place 61 (2020): 102245. |
Stein, Michael D., et al. "Worries about discontinuing buprenorphine treatment: Scale development and clinical correlates." The American journal on addictions 28.4 (2019): 270-276. |
Long, Emily, and Thomas W. Valente. "Perceived social acceptability and longitudinal trends in adolescent cigarette smoking." Prevention Science 20.6 (2019): 824-832. |
Dobson, Cheyney. Merging Criminal Justice and Social Welfare in Mental Health Court: The Disparate Impacts and Outcomes of Coercive Aid in the Era of Mass Incarceration. Diss. 2019. |
Gyawali, Shreeya, et al. "Perceived stigma and its correlates among treatment seeking alcohol and opioid users at a tertiary care centre in India." Asian journal of psychiatry 37 (2018): 34-37. |
Tam, Theresa. "Addressing stigma: Towards a more inclusive health system." Public Health Agency of Canada. https://www. canada. ca/conte nt/dam/phac-aspc/docum ents/corpo rate/publi catio ns/chief-publi chealt h-offic er-repor ts-state-publi c-healt h-canad a/addre ssing-stig m a-what-we-heard/stigm a-eng. pdf (2019). |
Melchior, Hanne, et al. "Substance abuse-related self-stigma in women with substance use disorder and comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder." European addiction research 25.1 (2019): 20-29. |
Melchior, Hanne, et al. "Substance abuse-related self-stigma in women with substance use disorder and comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder." European addiction research 25.1 (2019): 20-29. |
Bozinoff, Nikki, et al. "Correlates of stigma severity among persons seeking opioid detoxification." Journal of addiction medicine 12.1 (2018): 19. |
Taha, Sheena, Bridget Maloney-Hall, and Jane Buxton. "Lessons learned from the opioid crisis across the pillars of the Canadian drugs and substances strategy." Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 14.1 (2019): 1-10. |
Fotopoulou, Maria, Alison Munro, and Avril Taylor. "âAllowing the rightâand its currency in managing drug stigma in Greece." International Journal of Drug Policy 26.8 (2015): 723-730. |
Dennis, Simone. Attitudes towards individuals with substance use disorders: The impact of knowledge and the moderating effects of exposure. Diss. 2019. |
Yang, Lawrence H., et al. "A new brief opioid stigma scale to assess perceived public attitudes and internalized stigma: Evidence for construct validity." Journal of substance abuse treatment 99 (2019): 44-51. |
Terplan, Mishka, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, and Margaret S. Chisolm. "Article commentary: prenatal substance use: exploring assumptions of maternal unfitness." Substance abuse: research and treatment 9 (2015): SART-S23328. |
Stringer, Kristi L., and Elizabeth H. Baker. "Stigma as a barrier to substance abuse treatment among those with unmet need: an analysis of parenthood and marital status." Journal of Family Issues 39.1 (2018): 3-27. |
Kulesza, Magdalena, et al. "Towards greater understanding of addiction stigma: Intersectionality with race/ethnicity and gender." Drug and alcohol dependence 169 (2016): 85-91. |
Fraser, Suzanne, et al. "Addiction stigma and the biopolitics of liberal modernity: A qualitative analysis." International Journal of Drug Policy 44 (2017): 192-201. |
Biancarelli, Dea L., et al. "Strategies used by people who inject drugs to avoid stigma in healthcare settings." Drug and alcohol dependence 198 (2019): 80-86. |
Biancarelli, Dea L., et al. "Strategies used by people who inject drugs to avoid stigma in healthcare settings." Drug and alcohol dependence 198 (2019): 80-86. |
Kennedy-Hendricks, Alene, et al. "Social stigma toward persons with prescription opioid use disorder: associations with public support for punitive and public healthâoriented policies." Psychiatric services 68.5 (2017): 462-469. |
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Ending discrimination against people with mental and substance use disorders: The evidence for stigma change. National Academies Press, 2016. |
Paquette, Catherine E., Jennifer L. Syvertsen, and Robin A. Pollini. "Stigma at every turn: Health services experiences among people who inject drugs." International Journal of Drug Policy 57 (2018): 104-110. |
Friesen, Phoebe. "Personal responsibility within health policy: unethical and ineffective." Journal of Medical Ethics 44.1 (2018): 53-58. |
Terplan, Mishka, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, and Margaret S. Chisolm. "Article commentary: prenatal substance use: exploring assumptions of maternal unfitness." Substance abuse: research and treatment 9 (2015): SART-S23328. |
Smith, Laramie R., et al. "Substance use stigma: Reliability and validity of a theory-based scale for substance-using populations." Drug and alcohol dependence 162 (2016): 34-43. |
Stringer, Kristi L., and Elizabeth H. Baker. "Stigma as a barrier to substance abuse treatment among those with unmet need: an analysis of parenthood and marital status." Journal of Family Issues 39.1 (2018): 3-27. |
Kulesza, Magdalena, et al. "Towards greater understanding of addiction stigma: Intersectionality with race/ethnicity and gender." Drug and alcohol dependence 169 (2016): 85-91. |
Fraser, Suzanne, et al. "Addiction stigma and the biopolitics of liberal modernity: A qualitative analysis." International Journal of Drug Policy 44 (2017): 192-201. |
Fraser, Suzanne, et al. "Addiction stigma and the biopolitics of liberal modernity: A qualitative analysis." International Journal of Drug Policy 44 (2017): 192-201. |
Biancarelli, Dea L., et al. "Strategies used by people who inject drugs to avoid stigma in healthcare settings." Drug and alcohol dependence 198 (2019): 80-86. |
Kennedy-Hendricks, Alene, et al. "Social stigma toward persons with prescription opioid use disorder: associations with public support for punitive and public healthâoriented policies." Psychiatric services 68.5 (2017): 462-469. |
Paquette, Catherine E., Jennifer L. Syvertsen, and Robin A. Pollini. "Stigma at every turn: Health services experiences among people who inject drugs." International Journal of Drug Policy 57 (2018): 104-110. |
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Medications for opioid use disorder save lives. National Academies Press, 2019. |
Day, Rebecca. Examination of differences in routes of administration and relapse frequency in adults attending a methadone maintenance program. Diss. The University of the Rockies, 2014. |
Cioe, Patricia A., et al. "Perceived barriers to smoking cessation and perceptions of electronic cigarettes among persons living with HIV." AIDS care 30.11 (2018): 1469-1475. |
Gamarel, Kristi E., et al. "Tobacco use and sustained viral suppression in youth living with HIV." AIDS and Behavior 22.6 (2018). |
Côté, José, et al. "Evaluation of a Web-based tailored intervention (TAVIE en santé) to support people living with HIV in the adoption of health promoting behaviours: an online randomized controlled trial protocol." BMC Public Health 15.1 (2015): 1-12. |
Ong, Jason J., et al. "Exposing the gaps in awareness, knowledge and estimation of risk for anal cancer in men who have sex with men living with HIV: a cross?sectional survey in Australia." Journal of the International AIDS Society 18.1 (2015): 19895. |
Cioe, Patricia A., et al. "A pilot study to examine the acceptability and health effects of electronic cigarettes in HIV-positive smokers." Drug and alcohol dependence 206 (2020): 107678. |
Nkuize, Marcel, et al. "The role of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in the era of modern antiretroviral therapy." European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology 27.12 (2015): 1459-1465. |
Yingst, Jessica, et al. "Acceptability of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) among HIV positive smokers." AIDS care 32.10 (2020): 1224-1228. |
Mangurian, Christina, J. Ryan Shackelford, and James W. Dilley. "The Medical Treatment of Patients with Psychiatric Illness." Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice, Populations (2016): 366. |
Webel, Allison R., et al. "A Review of Chronic Comorbidities in Adults Living With HIV: State of the Science." Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 32.3 (2021): 322-346. |
Cioe, Patricia A., et al. "E-cigarette Perceptions among HIV-positive Smokers in a Switching Study." Tobacco Regulatory Science 6.6 (2020): 384-391. |
Cantos, Krystal. 2019. Sex, Drugs, and Viral Load: Novel Epidemiologic Methods in HIV Research. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. |
Dutta, Mohan J., et al. "Emma Baulch, Jerry Watkins and Amina Tariq (eds.) mHealth Innovation in Asia Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications https://doi. org/10.1007/978-94-024-1251-2_6 6. mHealth, Health, and Mobility: A Culture-Centered Interrogation." |
Chung, Tammy, et al. "Innovative Routes for Enhancing Adolescent Marijuana Treatment: Interplay of Peer Influence Across Social Media and Geolocation." Current Addiction Reports 3.2 (2016): 221-229. |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |
Weinberger, Andrea H., et al. "Gambling behaviors and attitudes in adolescent high-school students: Relationships with problem-gambling severity and smoking status." Journal of psychiatric research 65 (2015): 131-138. |
Costello, Mack S., et al. "Annotated bibliography of behavior analytic scholarship outside of Analysis of Gambling Behavior: 2013-2015." Analysis of Gambling Behavior 10.1 (2016): 1. |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |
Cioe, Patricia A., et al. "Peer navigation for smoking cessation in smokers with HIV: Protocol for a randomized clinical trial." Contemporary Clinical Trials (2021): 106435. |
Tron, Laure. Comportements de santé en lien avec le risque de comorbidités parmi les personnes vivant avec le VIH en France. Diss. Paris 6, 2016. |
De Bejczy, Andrea. Studies on new pharmacological treatments for alcohol dependence-and the importance of objective markers of alcohol consumption. 2016. |
Barbosa Méndez, Susana, and Alberto Salazar-Juárez. "Mirtazapine attenuates anxiety-and depression-like behaviors in rats during cocaine withdrawal." Journal of Psychopharmacology 33.5 (2019): 589-605. |
Khurshid, Khurshid A. "Relationship between sleep disturbances and addiction." Mental Health Addict Res 3.3 (2018): 1-4. |
Nanni-Alvarado, Ricardo, et al. "Effect of Mirtazapine on Craving in Cocaine-Dependent Patients." International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2021): 1-17. |
Preuss, UW, JWM Wong, and E. Hoch. "Komorbidität affektiver Erkrankungen und alkoholbezogener Störungen." Nervenheilkunde 35.11 (2016): 757-763. |
Ha, Trung, and Julia N. Soulakova. "Survey Mode and Rates of Smoke-Free Homes and Support for Smoking Bans Among Single Parents in the United States in 2010â2011 and 2014â2015." Survey practice 11.2 (2018). |
Percy, Andrew, et al. "Recanting of previous reports of alcohol consumption within a large-scale clustered randomised control trial." Prevention science 20.6 (2019): 844-851. |
Stuckey, Heather L., et al. "Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Using Return Receipt and Address Corrections in Mail Surveys." Survey Practice 2.5 (2009): 2958. |
Klein, Jonathan D. "Electronic cigarettes are another route to nicotine addiction for youth." Nicotine Tob Res 16.10 (2014): 1319-1326. |
Pham, Thanh, Trung Ha, and Julia N. Soulakova. "Design-based single-mediator approach for complex survey data." Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 50.3 (2021): 822-831. |
Liu, Tom, et al. "Alternative Tobacco Product Use in Critically Ill Patients." International journal of environmental research and public health 17.23 (2020): 8707. |
Soulakova, Julia N., Le-Chu Su, and Lisa J. Crockett. "Smokersâ reports on receiving a doctorâs advice to quit smoking; receiving the advice is more prevalent among smokers with Crohnâs Disease relative to smokers with Ulcerative Colitis." Preventive medicine reports 18 (2020): 101091. |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |
Ahluwalia, Hargun, Prabhat K. Chand, and L. N. Suman. "Therapeutic focus for women with substance use disorders: Views of experts and consumers in a tertiary hospital in India." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 51.1 (2020): 34. |
Narise, Anusha, et al. "Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review." |