Coastal hazard assessment of Makran coast (SE Iran) due to global sea level rise
The Makran coast, in southeastern Iran, sits above oceanic lithosphere of the Arabian plate that is currently subducting northward under Eurasia. The coast has clearly experienced long-term uplift throughout the Late Pleistocene, as evidenced by the presence of emerged sequences of marine terraces, some of which outcrop at more than a hundred meters above present sea-level . In eastern Makran (Pakistan), surface uplift of the coastal margin appears to be closely linked with large earthquakes, the last of which was a Mw 8.1 thrust event in 1945 However, in the western segment of the Makran (Iran), there is no obvious historical evidence for large earthquakes in the last 1000 years ] It is currently unclear whether the lack of seismicity reflects a different mechanical behavior at the subduction interface, or if infrequent large earthquakes occurred in the past and should be expected to happen again Here, we apply some concepts of coastal evolution to the Makran coast, coupled to observations of the Holocene beach sedimentary record, in order to better understand the nature of vertical motions in the Makran over the last 100 years