TEI Piraeus

Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus) is an independent and self governed Institute of higher education. The operation of the Institute is based on the Greek laws 4009/2011, 4076/2012, 3549/2007, 2916/2001. The degrees offered are recognized by the Greek state and EU and are fully evaluated. The studies in the Departments of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus) for the first level degrees are lasting four years typically and are equivalent to 240 ECTS, according to the Bologna Process Guidelines.

The campus is extended on an area of about 100.000 m2 in the middle of an olive grove, which includes some of the very same olive trees that used to shade Plato's Academy. The campus is near the center of Athens and the port of Piraeus and includes several buildings with the equivalent of 50.000 m2 space. Among them the Conference Center and the library are encountered. There are facilities that cover all students’ needs and support academic activities.

Nine (9) Departments exist in Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus) , grouped in two schools: Engineering Schools (7) and School of Business & Economics (2). TEI of Piraeus had been may awarded a DS label for the system of Higher Education alignment procedures. There are approximately 25 Laboratories in Engineering Scholl and 10 Laboratories in the School of Business and Economics that support the teaching and research and development activities. They are engaged in several research and development programs that are funded by the Greek Government and European Union.

Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus) maintains permanent links with other and foreign educational and research institutions and participates in numerous programs of the European Union, while encourages international cooperation and improvement of knowledge diffusion.

Editors [2]

The following is the list of scholars from TEI Piraeus who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Authors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from TEI Piraeus who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.

Publications [113]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from TEI Piraeus that are published in SciTechnol journals.