Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

 Research forms an integral part of the education programme of the Institute. Scientific inquiry includes basic research, and clinic research. Questions about a disease and its diagnosis and therapy are raised in a clinical setting, and answer obtained by using scientific methods in the laboratory are then translated into clinical practice. Writing a thesis/dissertation inculcates in the candidate the basic elements of planning and executing a scientific experiment with a well-defined objective. These are the basis of an advance in scientific experiment with a well-defined objective. These are the basis of an advance in scientific thought or problem management. The candidates also undergo a short training course in general research methodology and bio-statistical methods in medical research.

Editors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Reviewers [1]

The following is the list of scholars from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.

Publications [46]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research that are published in SciTechnol journals.