Hosei University

Hosei University began as a private school (Tokyo Hougakusha) in 1880 against the backdrop of a growing movement for individual freedom and human rights. The School was established to educate individuals in the concepts of rights and obligations and contemporary French juridical thought. From the initial ideals of A Free Academic Society and a Climate of Initiative, i.e. the introduction of liberal progressive education and research development befitting the forming of a modern Japanese society, came the founding principles of Freedom and Progress. To this ethos, which endured two World Wars, at the urging of then University President Hyooe OUCHI were added the ideas of: Shaping a free and independent spirit; Arousing awareness of the Humanities through learning; and Educating individuals to contribute to the improvement of society-in short, the University’s mission and objectives. Later, in keeping with the founding principles of Freedom and Progress, the nurturing of a number of independent thinkers able to aggressively challenge new problems became the educational philosophy. And, the ability (of these individuals) to translate thought into action which would benefit society became the social aspect of the mission. That and the 21st Century key words of Environment, Career Development, Internationalization, Information, Regional Tie-ups, Well-being, Comprehensive Design contemporary together with the Vision of An Open University and of Free-spirited self reliant individuals are the core ideas which form the basis for a variety of university reforms.

Editors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from Hosei University who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Publications [135]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from Hosei University that are published in SciTechnol journals.