Chungnam National University

Chungnam National University (CNU), founded in 1952, has been cultivating the best minds in Korea under the educational motto of "Creativity, Development, and Service to the Community." Through the university's prominent faculties with active research and educational capabilities, in addition to academic-industrial cooperation, CNU has been performing a key role as the most prestigious national university in the central region of Korea.
CNU will grow to become a leading university in Korea and will jump up to be a world class institution along with local regional development including Sejong Special Administration City, Daedeok R&D Special Zone, International Science Business Belt, Daejeon Government Complex and Headquarters of the Korean Army, Air Force and Navy which are all contributing to the formation of the new heart of Korea.
CNU is a leading university in Korea ready to jump up to be the world class level together with the community through local development and open communication based on mutual trust among university members. Being a strong university through mutual growth with community and a leading university in Korea ready to jump up to become world class is a dream and motivation for all of us at CNU.


Editors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from Chungnam National University who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Publications [91]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from Chungnam National University that are published in SciTechnol journals.