About Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly in proper stages of sleep and sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems. The person temporarily experiences an inability to speak and move, it is not well understood; Sleep paralysis can be a sign of narcolepsy. Sleep paralysis usually occurs at one of two times. If it occurs while you are falling asleep, its called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. If it happens as you are waking up, its called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis, other signs include falling asleep suddenly during day time and disturbed sleep at night, this is a rare sleep disorder which can cause disturbances to the sleep wake cycle. Risk of sleep paralysis is more among children and adults but higher risk group include people suffering with anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and depression Treatment includes creating a restful sleep environment, giving up smoking, caffeine, drinking alcohol before bed time. Medication includes tricyclic antidepressants clomipramine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

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