About Dermoscopy

Dermoscopy or dermatoscopy refers to the examination of the skin using skin surface microscopy, and is also called ‘epiluminoscopy’ and ‘epiluminescent microscopy’. This traditionally consists of a magnifier (typically x10), a non-polarised light source, a transparent plate and a liquid medium between the instrument and the skin, and allows inspection of skin lesions unobstructed by skin surface reflections. Dermoscopy is mainly used to evaluate pigmented skin lesions. In experienced hands it can make it easier to diagnose melanoma. Computer software can be used to archive dermatoscopy images and allow expert diagnosis and reporting (mole mapping). Smart programs may aid in diagnosis by comparing the new image with stored cases with typical features of benign and malignant pigmented skin lesions.

Related Journals on Dermoscopy: Journal of the German Society of Dermatology, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Archives of Dermatology, Experimental Dermatology, British Journal of Dermatology, Dermatologic Surgery, American Journal of Contact Dermatitis, Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology, Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Dermato-Endocrinology, Dermatologic Therapy, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research.

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