Yoga and Recovery, the evidence supporting yoga, meditation and physical activity in recovery

Carrie Schell

Wellness Inc., Canada

: J Regen Med


In order to keep current with consumer trends and demands, many treatment centres offer clients a range of therapies including adventure therapy, yoga, meditation and various forms of physical activity. Is there more to the increasing employment of these modalities than keeping current with consumer trends? Yoga and Recovery explores the heart and science of yoga, meditation and physical activity in recovery. Emerging research demonstrates the effective, repeatable application of these modes of therapy in addiction recovery. Marcus and Zgierska’s research, Mindfulness-Based Therapies for Substance Use Disorders, highlights the effectiveness of meditation in treatment. Smith, Schmidt and Iordanou explore the benefits of aerobic exercise on cocaine behaviours in their 2008 paper. In, A Pilot Study of Qigong for Reducing Cocaine Craving Early in Recovery, Smelson, Chen, Ziedonis, Andes, Lennox, Callahan, Rodrigues and Eisenberg validate the yoga in recovery treatment. The aforementioned papers are but a sampling of the vast body of evidence supporting yoga, meditation and physical activity in recovery treatment. This talk will provide the social and environmental context that fosters addictive behaviours while providing a solid, scientific foundation for the inclusion of yoga, meditation and physical activity in effective, repeatable treatment. Carrie’s workshop integrates research, life-learning in her work in health and wellness while providing experiential learning for participants. There is a growing body of research that demonstrates the effectiveness of yoga and meditation in dealing with substance abuse and addiction recovery and mental illness such as anxiety, stress and depression. In our changing world all of of know someone who has been impacted by mental illness or addiction~ in whatever form that may take. Addiction to drugs or alcohol. Addiction to sex, shopping, gambling, eating, social media. This is an experiential workshop explores the incredible role yoga and meditation have in connecting us to our inner self, connecting with others, promoting wellness.


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