Womens health nursing and community support for breastfeeding

Ann W Lambert

Auburn University, USA

: J Nurs Patient Care


We are excited to share our Outreach Project: Tiger Babies™ with our Auburn family. An interdisciplinary team from AU School of Nursing, the College of Education and the School of Industrial and Graphic Design has collaborated to offer Tiger Babies™. The goal is to support mothers who are breastfeeding during family-friendly Auburn events. Mothers and their young infants can come to a clean and private environment to breastfeed, change diapers and receive educational materials. Currently, there are no known designated areas in the stadium or surroundings areas for nursing mothers. According to our random survey of mothers with small babies, conducted during Auburn vs. South Carolina game (2014), half of them had experiences in nursing their babies in the ladies room during football games or tailgates. They also tried to find a quiet and private area, away from the crowd, to nurse their babies. The majority of women indicated they would love to have a place dedicated to nursing their babies and it would increase their willingness to bring their babies to participate in university events. Some of the locations they indicated as potential areas included inside the Stadium, the Campus Green, in front of Miller Hall, or the Wallace Center. The first area offered will be located outside of the stadium on Miller Hall lawn by the School of Nursing. It will consist of a free standing tent with sides to provide privacy to nursing mothers. This area will include a comfortable rocker, side table, an electrical outlet for breast pumps if needed, and a privacy screen. Moms will also have access to baby necessities such as diapers, wipes, disposable burp cloths and bottled water. Other provisions include a fan and heater, whichever is appropriate, for a comfortable setting. The tent will be supervised by nursing faculty and/or Lactation Consultants from East Alabama Medical Center and/or Baptist Medical Center East and will include current nursing students who are enrolled in the Childbearing and Reproductive Health Course. Educational information for new mothers will also be provided. The project could potentially reach many nursing mothers who come to our campus. Future plans are to include and area inside of the stadium, within existing First Aid Stations. We learned that if mothers requested, they have been allowed in the first aid station for nursing, but there was a lack of privacy. We currently have student nurses assigned to the First Aid Stations within the stadium; therefore, they will have the opportunity to provide support to mothers if needed. Furnishings have been approved by the Department of Design and Construction in the facilities division. Plans are to collect information from attendees to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of offering this outreach service to support breastfeeding mothers, as they enjoy Auburn events, while meeting their infants’ needs.


Ann W Lambert has completed her Master’s degree in Maternal Child Nursing and is full time Faculty at Auburn University School of Nursing with classroom and clinical responsibilities for Pediatric Nursing. She also maintains her practice as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in primary care. She has over 30 years of experience in nursing and teaching nursing students. She is involved in outreach projects related to childhood obesity prevention, safe sleep and promoting breastfeeding and empathy for pregnant women.

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