Where geriatrics, elder abuse victims, the criminal justice system and covid19 intersect

Paul R Greenwood

Greenwood Law Corp., USA

: J Aging Geriatr Med


Statement of the Problem: Elder abuse has been described as the crime of the 21st Century, and often with justification. When we look at the demographics, the effect of isolation brought about by a pandemic, and the many misconceptions that law enforcement and prosecutors fall into when dealing with older victims, we can find evidence of an under reported, under investigated and under prosecuted crime. This presentation will seek to examine ways that geriatricians can form part of a multi-disciplinary team to combat the escalating tide of reported crimes of physical and financial exploitation of older adults both in USA and across the globe. The presenter will address common myths that so often hinder a successful investigation and prosecution. He will also address the impact of COVID19 on victims of elder abuse and will offer suggestions as to how the court and criminal justice system can become more elder friendly in pursuing justice for older adults.


Paul Greenwood has been a lawyer for over 40 years. He is qualified in both United Kingdom s a solicitor and in California, USA as an attorney. Paul worked as a deputy district attorney for 25 years in San Diego County and for 22 years headed up the San Diego District Attorney’s Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit. During that assignment Paul prosecuted well over 750 felony cases of both physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse. He has also appeared as a keynote speaker at over 100 locations in USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Columbia and Singapore. Paul believes in a multi-disciplinary approach to prosecuting elder abuse cases where a geriatric specialist is part of that team.

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