Web designing

Benjamin Darkwa Nimo

University of Information Science and Technology, Republic of Macedonia

: J Comput Eng Inf Technol


Today, websites are efficient tool of communication within society. For example, when people need information about a company or an organization, most of them will almost instantaneously think of its website. Virtually all businesses, corporations, and organizations today utilize the internet and websites as means to communicate, broadcast and interact with their broad spectrum of users. As computer and internet resources grow larger and larger, the opportunities and possibilities a website brings can prove invaluable. Producing and maintaining websites involve many skills and discipline. Web design is a broad discipline which encompasses graphic design, user experience design, search engine optimization, and interface design. Due to the broad nature of web design, it makes use of many tools for development. Out of the numerous tools that provide the environment for web design, my hands were specialized in using Corel draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver and list of other designing tools for web designing. A good knowledge in Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript is also paramount to web design. A good and attractive website depends on it design, however, creativity is the core to designing any form of website. The design of ay website should conform to the purpose that the website will server to its people. Since the future is uncertain, advanced work is always done at the design phase of a website to help it keep up to date and proper maintenance.


Email: bdarkwanimo90@gmail.com

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