Volumizing fillers and face aging
Gkritzalas Konstantinos
Al Najat Medical Center, Kuwait
: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
The demand for injectable dermal filler treatments continues to grow as more people opt for noninvasive aesthetic rejuvenation and enhancement. The aging face change in all levels of skin, fat and bones. That is a fact and the restoration of this change using fillers and fat transfer as product and tissue replacement is till now focus on the skin and fat. The idea to replace the bone volume and status on aging classification is not in use.
Materials and methods: From May 2018 till February 2019, 23 cases has been injected with a new modeling plan of using volumizing filler deep and with target to restore the bone “atrophy” that has to do with aging. As the protocol has been used the models of tissue loss of the face and goal is to replace the volume loss. Practically, it is concentrate in 2 parts the replacement of the Has been used H.A of high viscosity with special canulas injecting all the areas with safety valuating the anatomical dangerous areas before. Total injected volume was 6-8 ml max on each case. The Ha was without Lidocaine. Each area is valuating before to estimate the loss of volume and restore the bones as volume and not the fat. During the injection time was always a very low feeling of pain but not such to provocate a problem. No reactions allergies or sensibilization of the derma over was occurred. Follow up was done on 2 7 and 10 days after. No pain killers antibiotic tablet or any kind of creams where used and no ice bags etc.
Conclusion: H.A can be used for face volume restoration with targeting on the replacement of bone loss. The injections are safe if we take care of the anatomic areas and the results give a better effect targeting the bone loss replacement.
Gkritzalas Konstantinos has done his bachelor degree from University of Bologona, Italy. He completed his Master degree from University of Ioanina, Greece and University of Palermo Esthetic Medicine and Wellness. He is presently working at Al Najat medical center, Kuwait.
E-mail: kostas.gritzalas@yahoo.com