Visual analytics solution for scheduling processing phases

J Joshua Thomas

KDU Penang University College, Malaysia

: J Comput Eng Inf Technol


Introducing Examviz, a novel tool designed for visualizing examination schedules and clashes at the initial level. Examviz uses a metaphor to visual analytics process, typically processed computationally with local search algorithm then visualized and interpreted by the user to perform problem solving with direct interactions between the primary data, processing and visualization. An integrated problem-solving environment, that analyses the combined effect of user-driven steering with automatic tuning of algorithmic parameters based on constraints and the criticality of the application for the simulations is proposed. It is important to allow the human timetable to steer the ongoing simulation, especially in the case of critical clashes between conflicting courses to exams and to time slots. An integrated visual design Examviz which is based on the parallel coordinate’s style of visualization that uses a novel mapping of courses to exams and to time slots has been developed. Examviz has three processing phases which combines human factors and the algorithm to explore conflicting data through visualization particularly to provide incremental improvements over the solution.


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