Video demonstration of a simulated practice exam (OSCE) process to reduce anxiety and improve nursing students understanding and preparation: an action research project
Ian Dove
University of Bedfordshire, UK
: J Nurs Patient Care
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE’s) are recognised and utilised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for assessing nursing skills and competency, and within Higher Education for summative assessment of undergraduate Nursing students. Students report significant preparation and performance anxiety, over and above traditional assessment methods. This action research sought to answer the question; can a video OSCE demonstration improve selfconfidence and reduce anxiety in students preparing for such assessments? A self-reported anonymous questionnaire was completed by 61 undergraduate student nurses in a UK university, to rate self-confidence and anxiety levels pre-and postaccessing a video demonstration of an OSCE assessment. Results demonstrated a statistically significant mean improvement in self-confidence, from 2.75 to 3.82 and reduction in anxiety after accessing the video intervention, 3.46 reducing to 2.72. Paired t-tests showed statistical significance t (60)=5.66, p≤0.001 and t (60)=4.76, p≤0.001 respectively. Participants free text comments suggested adding multiple video examples for future students and unanimously agreed that the video was valuable in their assessment preparation. These results suggest video examples are a useful learning and preparation tool for student candidates preparing for OSCE assessments. Further research into the value of multiple video examples and influence of this preparation on actual assessment results is suggested.