Utilisation & adherence of the BSP 2019 periodontal classification amongst GDP periodontal referrals and practitioners in Birmingham Dental Hospital
Sunmeet Kandhari, Shivakar Mehrotra and Praveen Sharma
Restorative DCT2, Birmingham Dental Hospital, UK </br>
Academic Clinical Fellow, Birmingham Dental Hospital, UK
: Dent Health Curr Res
Background: The EFP and AAP along with other significant bodies designed a new classification of periodontal health. In the UK an adaptation of this was published by The British society of Periodontology in the BDJ in 2019. Within this, it newly defined the various presentations of periodontal health, categorising periodontal disease based on the severity and rate of bone loss. Uniform implementation of this would ensure consistent understanding between all clinicians involved in a patients care as well as aid future research of large cohorts. Aims: (1)To assess the usage of the BSP periodontal classification(2)Identify if there are trends in practices/ grades of clinicians in using the new classification. Method: Retrospective random sampling of 25accepted referral letters received each month from GDP’s during Jan 2019 to Dec 2019.The corresponding new patient assessment was also sampled and assessed by the same criteria such as the type of classification used and if it was used correctly. Results: Out of 300 referrals reviewed, 50% did not contain a formal diagnosis. Only 8.1% utilized the new classification but only 14% of these were completed correctly. From the clinical records following NP assessment, 96% contained a diagnosis of which 82% utilised the new classification which was correct 27% of the time. Conclusion: The data suggests that uptake of the new classification is low amongst GDPs however it was noted there was a slow increase in usage over time. As expected usage of the classification amongst clinicians in BDH was higher however many records did not make a comment on the risk factors involved and as a result were deemed incorrect. Further training is indicated to increase the awareness of the classification, as well as it’s usage in making a clear diagnostic statement.
Sunmeet Kandhari is currently in a restorative post in Birmingham dental hospital, He has a keen interest in clinical education, periodontology and restorative dentistry.