Using pulse as guide to select acupoints - The application of pulse regulating technique

John Yang

Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada

: J Regen Med


The presentation discusses the vital energy (Qi) which makes the human body based on the doctrine from the Yellow Emperor’s traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Classics. Through pulse taking (ancient technique), one could understand the internal Qi movement situation in the body. A simplified method of pulse taking which focuses on whether the pulsing is over or less in a certain area of the wrist can provide information about the certain system in the body is in the hyper or hypofunctional stage. One can select the appropriate acupoints by applying traditional Chinese medicine Five Shu Points theory. If the pulsing appears to be over then the reduce stimulation technique will be applied while if the pulsing is less the tonic method will be applied in order to correct the imbalance situation. By using the simplified method of pulse taking a guide to select the appropriate point and following up with the relevant stimulation technique, one can achieve an amazing clinical result.


John Yang is a registered doctor of TCM in British Columbia, Canada. He graduated from Hainan University Medical School, Haikou, China. He received his TCM training at Hainan Provincial TCM Hospital, Haikou, China. He earned his PhD from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China. From 2003 to 2014 he was the Dean and Clinic Director at the PCU College of Holistic Medicine, BC, Canada. As an expert in the field he has given many national and international presentations and lectures on TCM. He is the current Chair of the Academic/Educational Committee of British Columbia Association of TCM/Acupuncture Practitioners. He is also the President of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges of Canada. He currently works at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University of British Columbia which is the first public university in BC offering TCM-Acupuncture program. He is the program developer and the Chair of TCM department. He has over 30 years TCM/acupuncture practice. He is specializing in pain management and other internal medicine disorders.


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