User experience design in online nursing education

Nancy G Cameron and Hugh Cameron

East Tennessee State University, USA
Business Synthesis, Inc., USA

: J Nurs Patient Care


A new methodology in course design is emerging that characterizes satisfaction from a User Experience (UX) standpoint. A storyline of head, heart, and hands for the student, matches with the academic instructional design of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning. UX designed courses are poised to be the next iteration in course design to meet student and university needs for retention and graduation. Increasing student retention and graduation is crucial for maintaining and increasing performance-based funding in educational institutions. Meeting common student needs early in the program can provide the resources and support needed for overcoming future barriers to graduation. Preloading student satisfaction and success factors into an online program orientation course can strengthen the potential for student retention and success. A completely online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program orientation course was developed to meet the identified common student needs, as compiled by Cameron (2013). The program provides early access to the MSN program’s Learning Management System (LMS), access to peer support, faculty advisor, and university resources. Students were taught the basic structure of courses (including content, discussions, quizzes, and drop boxes) to ease the stress of the first few weeks of class. Graduate study requirements and expectations were explained along with the differences between online and face-to-face study. Students received guidance in balancing work, life, and study. Students were given opportunities to practice the most commonly used technologies in the program.


Nancy G Cameron is an Associate Professor at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee. She has been teaching online and developing online courses for 10 years and has multiple certifications in online education. She has been on the receiving end of online education and has lived the student perspective.

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