Universal design-design for all

Tatjana Burzanovic

University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro

: J Comput Eng Inf Technol


Why do we say design for all? What do we mean by that? What is design? What is Design for All? Design for all is a design which one respects human rights, diversity, which enables social inclusion and equality for all." This is a holistic and innovative model to create an environment that respects ethnic, age and other characteristics, is aimed at, designers, developers, contractors, builders, political leaders...? Decision makers! Why is design for all important? Across Europe, age, cultural development, and people skills are higher than ever? We now know that active living with disabilities, wash to overcome the disease much more than ever before. The world is a complex place and it was not what we make it, not what we allowed him to give us a chance, but that requires of us the responsibility - to create the foundations of inclusion. All around us is the design and everything is designed to be adapted for use. This raises the question, “How anyone has the right to classify someone as different and someone who cannot use the benefits of the design?" Design when adapted to everyone for use by everyone regardless of their ability or therefore, the idea of design for all, the philosophy of responsibility towards the social diversity. In what consists the responsibility of the general community or business sector - primarily in the creation of a large number of products and services, usable for all people because it is much cheaper when from the beginning builds accessibility standards than everyone when adapting to new environments and new customers. Significantly, the business sector is "Money talks," which they understand well because DFA can only IncDesign for all and jobs for all! "Design for all creates opportunities for everyone to be active, productive participants in economic development, and therefore the DFA to reduce social exclusion and improve economic benefit. Design for all and tourism, along with employment, entertainment is a human right of all members of a society - is also a major source of income for many countries. Design for all creates the preconditions for accessibility of all to be able to use tourism and entertainment offerings.


Tatjana Burzanović is a lecturer and coordinator at the faculty of design and multimedia, the University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro. She teaches as faculty for
design and multimedia on the subject of Marketing Design, Visual Communications, Portfolio; and as faculty for culture and tourism on Indian Culture. Previously
she teaches at the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica, where she prepared a textbook (1000 pages) for students from Architectural and Computer Graphics. She
is the author of the book on “The Interrelation between Art Worlds: Illustrations of Bhagavad Gita”, which is available on Amazon. In this book, she studies the
relationships of simultaneous and successive art.

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