Unique approach of Orion Bioscan (Non-Linear Analizing System-NLS) for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment
Yutaka Hara, Yoshikazu Tobinaga, Shinichiro Akiyama and Yoshitaka Fukuzawa
Orion Japan Corporation, Japan
: J Pharm Drug Deliv
The concept of medicine follows logically from the observation that certain diseases caused by the single functionally defective gene. Its gene alternation progress cellular defects, theoretically then. As it turns out, these changes become tissue level of damages. On the other hand, Orion Bioscan® is practical use of quantum physics to analyze Terahertz electromagnetic signal of brain cortex. Recent advances of these novel physiological approaches allow detecting abnormality of organ by using headphone examination and cortex scanning. Not only does Orion Bioscan® provides an ideal source for determining candidate drug targets but also monitor real time hazard such as allergic food and local infection. Based on this application, many interventions to date in whole body abnormalities classified. We show several interventions including medical examinations as well as treatment by Orion Bioscan® apparatus.
Mr. Hara currently is CEO of the Orion Japan Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. Orion Japan Corporation has been established since 2012 most advanced and innovative technology applied to Bio Conditioning facility where provides Oxygen Chamber simultaneously with Nonlinear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies that can, at the outset of the century, be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. This unique invention created by Mr. Hara advised over 900 patients and clinical test covered over 1,200 sessions in worldwide. Health and wellness related business venture “Nonlinear Analysis Systems”(NLS) His research interest includes vortex magnetic fields processing and biological systems in 2009.
Email: hara@orionjapan.co.jp