Truly comprehensive solutions to produce ceramic parts with 3D printing
Svintsitski Rouslan
3D Ceram, France
: Biomater Med Appl
3D printing lets users push back production limits. Ceramics are no exception to the rule, but until now, the use of this material was reserved to ceramics experts. To open up this technology to a wider spread of professionals 3D Ceram is sharing its maker experience to propose truly comprehensive solutions, depending both on users’ expertise and the type of production they need. Thanks to its large platform and high resolution, CERAMAKER 3D printer is particularly suited to series production. High quality parts, made of 3DMix ceramic pastes developed by 3D Ceram, get the same properties as those produced via traditional processes. The company also offers a cleaning booth and furnaces to deliver a turnkey production line to its customers. Assistance and support service will ensure they acquire the necessary know-how to produce parts independently
Svintsitski Rouslan, 3D Ceram area sales manager, graduated from ISCV of conservatoire national des arts et métiers (France). Former sales manager of Ceric, an engineering company specialized in turnkey solution production of heavy clay building materials. More than 25 years of experience in ceramic process and technologies.