The study of local dipole moment and contact potential difference on TiO2(110) surface by AFM

Y J Li

Osaka University, Japan

: J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol


Au/TiO2(110) surfaces display extremely high catalytic reactivity. There are many representative models that explain the emerging catalytic activity of Au nanoclusters. It is widely accepted that the perimeter interface of Au/TiO2 is the reaction site for CO oxidation. However, the injection/extraction mechanism of electrons and the reaction process are not clarified by a comprehensive experimental description. In this study, we proposed a new method to simultaneously measuring topography, local contact potential difference (LCPD) and dipole moment distribution on TiO2(110) surface. In the experiment, the DC bias added with AC bias voltage is applied between the tip and sample. Three lock-in amplifiers are used to detect frequency shift of fm, f2m and f3m. The contact potential difference is numerically calculated from the divided result of fm and f2m signals and dipole moment is obtained from frequency shift of f3m. Figure 1 shows the result of topography, LCPD and dipole moment images on TiO2(110) surface. The details will be reported in the meeting. Recent Publications 1. J Bamidele et al. (2014) Vertical atomic manipulation with dynamic atomic-force microscopy without tip change via a multi-step mechanism. Nature Communications. 5:4476. 2. Y Naitoh et al. (2017) Sub-atomic-scale force vector mapping above a Ge(001) dimer using bimodal atomic force microscopy. Nature Physics. 13:663-668. 3. Y Kinoshita et al. (2016) Promoting atoms into delocalised long-living magnetically modified state using atomic force microscopy. Nano Letters. 16(12):7490-7494. 4. Y J Li et al. (2016) The origin of p(2x1) phase on Si(001) by NC-AFM at 5K. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96(10):106104. 5. H F Wen et al. Investigation of tunneling current and local contact potential difference on the TiO2(110) surface by AFM/ KPFM at 78 K. Nanotechnology. 28(10):105704.


Y J Li has completed her PhD in 2001 from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. She worked at Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, National Research Institutes, Japan from 2001-2003; was a Visiting Associate Professor, Osaka University, Japan from 2004-2009. She currently works in the Department Of Applied Physics at the same university. She has published more than 83 papers in reputed journals.

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