The relationship between cognitive ability and positive influence
Kazue Sawami
Nara Medical University, Japan
: J Nurs Patient Care
Short-term memory and working memory decline with increasing age. Currently, a significant effort is being made to develop methods of maintaining these cognitive functions in aging patients. Therefore, we have, focused on mental soundness, and researched the relationships between mental health level/stress and cognition/ judgement. We recruited 100 people living in the area by public information in Kashihara City. It was a six month intervention, comparing the results with controls and interventions. Measurement of cognitive function: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-test). Measurement of emotional states: General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ-12). Stress check: Measured α-amylase levels of saliva taken from the sublingual gland. Results of the MoCA test : In the t-test after the intervention (implementation), positive increases in areas such as recalling animal names (reproducing ability), repetition tests (memory), digit span tasks both sequential and reverse, sustained attention, calculation (concentration, attention and memory) have been statistically significantly recognized (p/t, 5% level). As for saliva amylase that reflects mental stress in comfort / discomfort, the measured value before the intervention was 46.3 KU/L; that after the control period was 45.5 KU/L, with no major changes seen. After the intervention, on the other hand, the value was lowered to 33.4 KU/L with the statistically significant decrease of mental stress recognized (p/t, 1% level). Results of the GHQ-12: There were correlation between GHQ score and Alternating Trail Making, Attention, Abstraction, Delayed recall, Orientation, and total score, while cognitive function was high when mentality state was also healthiness.