The macroanatomy of the brachial plexus and its nerves in the common buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Yalcin Akbulut, Ramazan Ilgun, Bestami Yilmaz, Kadir Aslan and Erdogan Uzlu
Kafkas University, Turkey
Aksaray University, Turkey
Harran University, Sanlıurfa, Turkey
: J Vet Sci Med Diagn
The nerves of the wing and trunk arise from the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves formed by the ventral roots of the last two cervical spinal nerves and the first two or three thoracic spinal nerves in the fowl. In domestic fowl, these are typically nerves 13 to 16 and sometimes also 17. The brachial plexus is formed from the merge of ventral branches of the last three cervical nerves and the first two thoracic nerves in Merlin as a raptor. This study was carried out with the permission taken from of General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs on June of 2015. Total five adult buzzards (Buteo buteo), three of them were male and two were female, obtained from the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center of Kafkas University were used in this study. The common buzzards were fixed in 10% formalin solution for anatomical examinations. It was determined that there are two plexus as the brachial plexus and the accessory brachial plexus in the common buzzard. It was also detected that v. jugularis, a. carotis communis and n. vagus placed in the medial of the brachial plexus, while v. subclavia and a. subclavia were in caudal part of plexus. In addition, it was specified that the accessory brachial plexus located in cranial and it was originated from the merge of ventral branches of the cervical spinal nerve of 10th and 11th (C10 and C11). Mean diameters of C10 and C11 were measured as 0.49 and 0.69 mm, respectively. It was identified that the brachial plexus originated from the merge of ventral branches of the last three cervical spinal nerves (C11, C12, C13) with ventral branches of the first two thoracic (T1 and T2) spinal nerves. Diameters of these branches, joining the origination of the brachial plexus, were measured as 0.69, 1.27, 2.13, 1.81 and 0.98 mm, respectively. As a result, the formation of the common buzzard’s brachial plexus, the participating spinal nerves to plexus and the innervation areas of these nerves were determined.
Yalcin Akbulut has completed his Under-graduation in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Kafkas University. He completed his PhD in the Deparment of Anatomy, Faculty of Kafkas University 2010. He has been working at the same university as Assistant Professor since 2012.