The interaction between 3D marine seismic and fisheries in a case study in Brazil
Renato de Assis Cordeiro, Silvio Jablonski and Eduardo Gonçalves Serra
UFRJ, Brazil National Agency of Petroleum, Brazil
: J Mar Biol Oceanogr
The oil exploration and production activity in Brazil has been growing in the sea/marine basin. One of the most efficient methods of search for oil and gas in these areas is the 3D seismic, which uses the sound as the main source of a seismic signal. The understanding of sound behavior in the sea is fundamental not only in the exploratory process, but also to understand how this anthropogenic sound will affect fish populations and fisheries. The knowledge of the seismic effects on the fisheries is important to regulate the operations to acquire seismic survey and to set mitigation and compensation procedures. The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - IBAMA, in its process of the seismic activity license, obliges the entrepreneur to set catch and fishing effort information acquisition in a possible “influence areaâ€Â, comprehending, in some cases, a great number of landing places. In this monograph, catch and effort data series from the localities of Ilhéus, Acuipe, Pedras de Una, Canavieiras, Belmonte, Santa Cruz de Cabrália and Porto Seguro were analyzed. Data included periods prior, subsequent and within the seismic activity carried out in blocks BM-J-3 and BM-J-4 in Jequitinhonha basin. The results didn’t show any influence of seismic activity on CPUE series, although, the poor quality of at least part of the data might have impaired a more rigorous evaluation. It was also evident that definition of suitable methodologies and the correct supervision and capacity building of people in charge of data collection are essential to guarantee data quality and subsequent time series analyses concerning the influence of seismic on fisheries.