The influence of peculiar electromagnetic waves emitted by substances on the human body, do drugs work without absorbing into the body? Is EBM appropriate approach?
Yoshiro Fujii
Shin-Kobe Dental Clinic, Japan
International college of acupuncture and electro-Therapeutics, USA
: J Regen Med
The generally accepted theory is that if a medicine is not absorbed by the body, it will have no effect. However, the presenter has noticed that even when substances, including medicines, are not absorbed by the body, they can have a marked effect. In some cases, just bringing the substance close to the body can have an effect; in such cases, the efficacy of EBM for estimating the therapeutic value of medicines may be debatable. Therefore, a more accurate evaluation method should be devised. The presenter proposes that another group be introduced into trials. This group would include subjects who were exposed to but did not have an opportunity to absorb the medicine being tested.
Yoshiro Fujii is the CEO of Shin-Kobe Dental Clinic since 1985. He got Koide prize 1985 (Aichi Gakuin University) and DDS. In 1989, He has completed Graduate School and PhD. In 2000, he started Shin Kobe Dental Clinic (Kobe, Japan). In 2009, he received Fellow of the international college of acupuncture and electro-therapeutics (F.I.C.A.E). 2013, 14: 100 next era CEOs in Asia (Japan Times) and 2015, 100 Next-era Leaders in Asia (Japan Times). He was a chairman of Dental meeting 2018 in Tokyo. He is an Associate Professor of International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics, NY, USA.