The healing revolution: Ancient practices coupled with modern medicine to promote health, vitality and longevity

Cheryl McNulty

Whatcom Community College, USA

: J Nurs Patient Care


While modern medicine has it positive attributes in today’s healthcare, preventative care is still highly stressed. Here in the US we have come to coin the term self-care to include those lifestyle behaviors that will support immune function, stave off heart disease and ease chronic pain. Self-care includes exercise, moderation of high-calorie foods and alcohol, de-stressing techniques, fresh air, exposure to sunlight and creating a sense of purpose. Because, as Americans, we are not trained to take care of our health from an early age, regular practice of receiving massage, acupuncture, tai chi/qi gong, yoga, meditation, saunas and relaxation are foreign to us and considered a luxury or superfluous indulgence. Asian and European cultures consider these activities as part of daily living and are reared from an early age to view these activities as part of their normal lifestyle choices. The healing revolution advocates that effective ancient practices of healing and disease prevention should be at the forefront of a daily self-care regimen. The healing revolution encompasses the incorporation of modern medicine in conjunction with natural means of assisting the body toward homeostasis. While medications can ease the symptoms of these diseases, education, lifestyle retraining and the incorporation of natural healing methods should be the focus of the individual’s new mindset of how to live.


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