The effects of early adoption of academic electronic health records system (EHRs) in teaching nursing documentation to nursing students: a pilot outcome study
Joohyun Chung and Teresa Reynolds
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
: J Nurs Patient Care
The nursing profession has been slow to incorporate information technology into formal nurse education and practice. The high number of hours spent using EHRs may be associated with non-user-friendly systems or nurses’ lack of competence with the electronic systems. It is imperative that the nursing students can use EHRs in their education so that they will be more prepared to enter the profession with strong technology skills for nursing documentation. The aim of this study is to examine the faculty’s and students’ perceptions of introducing academic EHRs system for teaching/learning nursing documentation and to assess the outcomes of academic EHRs on changes in nursing students’ readiness of nursing documentation outcomes. With this pilot study, a quantitative research design with supportive qualitative research will be used: (1) A qualitative descriptive research design will be applied to gather the information on both faculty and students’ perceptions of academic EHRs in terms of nursing documentation and (2) A twogroup quasi-experimental pre/post design will be used to assess changes in nursing students’ readiness of nursing documentation. For qualitative data, a purposive sample of faculty (5-7 nursing faculty) will be invited for the interview. These findings will be very helpful to prepare students for the future of health information technology. Meaningful adoption of academic electronic health record systems will help in building the undergraduate nursing students’ competence in nursing documentation with electronic health record systems and improve patient care.n.