The duration of using gadgets can affect emotional intelligence in adolescent
Reisy Tane, Siti Nurkhaliza
Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Deli Tua, Indonesia
: J Nurs Patient Care
In this era of globalization, many teenagers are affected by technological advances, one of the technologies that teenagers enjoy is gadgets. Gadgets appeal to teenagers and gadgets can be used to fill various applications. However, excessive use of gadgets by adolescents can make teenagers not care about the environment, so it can affect the ability to empathize, express emotions appropriately, manage emotions, and all of these are aspects of emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the duration of gadget use and adolescent emotional intelligence in SMA Negeri 1 Binjai, Langkat Regency. This type of research is correlational with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 280 10th-grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Binjai Langkat Regency, the sample size used was 74 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. The statistical test used in this study was Chi-square with 0.05. The results of this study indicate that the duration of gadget use shows that there is a relationship between the duration of using gadgets and emotional intelligence in SMA Negeri 1 Binjai, Langkat Regency (p=0.02; p<0.05) with a prevalence ratio of 2.78. From the results of the study, parents must be more selective in giving rules for teenagers to play with gadgets, namely by frequently monitoring the content seen by teenagers whether it is by their age, and providing rules for the time limit for teenagers to play gadgets so that teenagers do not lose track of time in the sense that teenagers do not neglect bedtime or bathing, schoolwork, and ignoring the people around the teenager.
The author continued his studies at the University Sumatra Utara with a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Nursing Profession and graduated in 2015, due to the very high desire to continue his education while working, the author is actively seeking information related to postgraduate scholarships. In December 2015 the author was declared to have passed the Indonesian Educational Scholarship LPDP RI. In 2016 the author resumed his education at the Universitas Indonesia with a master’s degree in nursing specializing in pediatric nursing and graduated in 2018. After graduating with a master’s degree in nursing, the author continued the Pediatric Nursing Specialist Nurse program at the Universitas Indonesia and completed it in 2019