The control and prevention of HIV/AIDS in Malaysia

Meer Ahmad Mydin Meera

MAHSA University, Malaysia

: J Virol Antivir Res


Introduction: Malaysia has been grappling with control of the HIV-epidemic in its prevention since the firstcase in 1985 and since the National Task Force was established just before that – and, has seen some success. Strong political-support, workable-policies, undivided-participation and perseverance has been the mainstay.

Aim: The Aim of this paper/presentation is to describe the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Malaysia in a literaturereview along with the process of planning, policymaking, implementation and evaluation of control and prevention programs in Malaysia since then, besides the constraints.

Results: By 2015, Malaysia has successfully halved new-infections from 2000. Major milestones in the country’s responses to HIV/AIDS and the corresponding infection-rates are noted. People who inject drugs (PWID), female sex-workers (FSW), transgender-people (TG) and men who have sex with men (MSM) represent the country’s most affected by the epidemic. There are an estimated 92,895 people living with HIV (PLHIV) at the end of 2015. New HIV-infection has declined by 50%, while the number of HIV/AIDS-related deaths has stabilized. Availability and accessibility of antiretroviral has been enhanced since it became a component of care, treatment and prevention in 1990. The pattern has shifted from PWID to increasingly more sexualtransmission. The National Strategic Plan (NSP 2010 – 2015) addresses the vulnerable and at-risk populations, co-infections, financing and psycho-social factors.

Conclusions: Malaysia has achieved the MDG6-target on HIV. But there is still a huge-gap in HIV-treatment, care and prevention coverage. This gap continues as enhanced focus-areas in the new strategic plan to end AIDS by 2030.


Meer Ahmad Mydin Meera Lecturer, Community Medicine Department, MAHSA University Malaysia since 2017; MBBS, University of Malaya (UM) 1979; Dip Aerospace Medicine, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine 1982; MPH (UM) 1984; Dip Aviation Med RCP (London) 1986; Chemical Health Risk Assessor (NIOSH M’sia) 2001; Occupational Health Doctor (DOSH) 2001; Member AMM 1995; Member Aerospace Med Assoc (Int) 1995; Fellow AMM 2017; Member PPPKAM 1986; British Airways Harrison Award 1986; MMA Accident Prevention Committee 1993 – 1996; Secretary MMA Foundation Accident Prevention Fund 1993 – 1996 Chairman, Accident Prevention Committee Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) 2018 and MMA Representative to the Road Safety Council Malaysia 2018. Consultant to Malaysian Air Accident Investigation Bureau (2018)


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