Technologies advancement and prospect of natural gas development in China
Ailin Jia
Petrochina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, China
: J Nucl Ene Sci Power Generat Technol
In recent years, international oil prices have stayed low and China strives to develop green energy. Under these backgrounds, natural gas has gradually become the key business of petroleum industry in our country. Since the initial of 12th National Five-Year Plan, average reserves of more than 880 billion squares are proved annually. After years of hardworking, several developmental technological breakthroughs are achieved for deep gas, tight gas, shale gas, coalbed methane, development adjustment strategies, engineering technologies and decision-making system. With the depth of development, influenced by policy, environment and geological conditions, continuous efficient development of domestic natural gas faces many challenges: lower ratio of high quality reserves, more development expense, and larger difficulties of remaining development benefit for unconventional gas reservoir, further upstream benefit compression, poorer stable production ability and fiercer competition in the energy market. In the future, our natural gas development will enter into the new stage of emphasizing on both the unconventional gas and the conventional gas, natural gas demand and consumption structure will become more diversified, gas imports will rise year by year, resulting in the increased external dependency, and natural gas will become the main growth engine in the process of energy structure adjustment.
Ailin Jia is an expert of development of natural gas resource. He received his BS degree in Petroleum Geology from the China University of Petroleum and his MS and PhD degrees in Petroleum Engineering from Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED), Beijing, China. In 2005 he became a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at RIPED, PetroChina. From 1992, he has worked in the areas of oil & gas geology, reservoir modeling and engineering. He is currently the Director of Department of gas field development, RIPED, PetroChina. As a Professor, he has published over 80 papers and 10 books in the oil & gas development fields.