Stomata closure and pre-exposure to low-level O3 protect leaves against high-level O3-induced damage in Phaseolus vulgaris

Shuai Li, Peter C Harley and Ulo Niinemets

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
Estonian Academy of Sciences, Estonia

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


Exposure to acute ozone (O3) concentrations result in elicitation of key stress volatiles methanol, products of lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway and methyl salicylate (VOC), but it is unclear how different ozone doses, later the timing and rate of elicitation of emissions of different stress volatiles, and how priming responses can modify the magnitude and kinetics of stress volatile emissions in short and long term. Our work reveals that methanol and LOX product emissions were induced rapidly after O3 exposure, but no MeSA emission and lower LOX emissions were detected in plants, first pre-exposed to lower O3 concentration, and the maximum emission rates and the total amount of emissions of LOX products and both methanol emission bursts were quantitatively correlated with stomatal O3 uptake, but elicited MeSA emissions did not depend on O3 dose. Timing of elicitation was only moderately altered by O3 dose with LOX emissions elicited earlier in the most severe treatment and secondary emission elicited later for O3-priming treatment. The stomatal closure due to darkness and pre-exposure to low-level ozone protect leaves against high-level ozone-induced injury in Phaseolus vulgaris, suggesting the important implications for understanding plant response to O3 in natural environments where both light and ozone concentrations strongly vary during the day and among the days, and could drive ecological success of different sensitive groups in response to environmental changes.


Shuai Li is currently working as a Junior Researcher at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. His research focuses on the impact of abiotic stress such as ozone, heat stress on the emissions of volatile organic compound (VOC) from leaves and flowers.

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