Standardization study of oral drops formula from Paronychia argentea extract
Suleiman Olimat
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
: J Pharm Sci Emerg Drugs
Paronychia argentea has been proved to be useful as gastric analgesic, bladder, prostate, abdominal ailments treatment and stomach ulcers treatment has hypoglycemic activity. Vanillic acid and luteolin are considered as the major active constituent of P. argentea responsible for its biological activity. The aim is to develop an oral drop formula from the plant extract depending on an HPLC method for standardization of P. argenteae was developed, depending on vanillic acid as a main efficacious active constituent in the plant. 76 g dried plant was extracted with 1 liter methanol. A tiny peak of vanilic acid was shown at 7.6 min, although statistically significant propylene glycol proved to be better extraction solvent for vanilic acid producing major peak with higher response (AUC). Linearity of the assay method was evaluated by determining concentration levels from concentration (0.4-4 μg mL-1); correlation coefficient obtained was 0.995. The best-fit linear equation obtained was Y=7e7X-9817. The precision of the vanillic acid peak in the test solution was checked by injecting six individual preparations prepared according to the description mentioned in method of analysis.