Social awareness and attitude about the diabetes mellitus, in Al Qatif, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

Nada Hussain Alsairafi

King Faisal University College of Medicine, Saudi Arabia

: Endocrinol Diabetes Res


Aim: The primary objective is to evaluate the knowledge level of symptoms, risk factors, causes and complications of DM in Al Qatif population. Secondary objectives are to determine the relationship between the knowledge of DM risk factors and the lifestyle practices, measuring the correlation between the sociodemographic factors and the level of DM knowledge, also, to compare the level of knowledge between the diabetic and non-diabetic. Method: sample size was calculated through online questionnaire. The study was observational cross-sectional study. Critically sick patients, population under 18 years old or not resident in Al Qatif were excluded. Results: A total sample of 454 patients join the inclusion criteria for the analysis male 388 and female 66. The study population has a good knowledge regarding DM and moderate knowledge regarding complications of retinopathy and lifestyle prevention. No significant association between age and educational level. However, better knowledge of DM lifestyle prevention observed in female and awareness of retina examination in DM type 2. One of the most important findings among comparing diabetic and non-diabetic respondents, that DM knowledge awareness level is similar. Conclusion: The study showed there is no significant difference regarding DM knowledge irrespective of demographic variable. Population education about DM knowledge can decrease the DM prevalence and make diabetic patient’s life better.


Nada Alsairafi has completed her MBBS at the age of 26 years from king Faisal University. She is working as GP in Quality health care center. She has published 2 papers in reputed journals.

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