Smile rehabilitation using ceramic veneers: Pros and cons

Dalenda Hadyaoui

University of Dental Medicine, Tunisia

: Dent Health Curr Res


Rehabilitation of patients smile using ceramic veneers may present a challenge for the clinician. actually patients are highly demanding and cosmetic needs are becoming fundamental. The practitioner has to chose the most appropriate option among an array of concepts, materials and tools. Ceramic veneers seem to be one of the best options to rehabilitate esthetically compromised smiles with the least dental tissue loss. However controversial issues of research are demonstrating that due care has to be taken from the step of indication to the final step of bonding. Material choice, preparation details and the type of tooth ceramic bonding interface are crucial factors influencing the esthetic outcome as well as long term longevity.


Dalenda has got her diploma of doctotr in dental medicine in 1998 at the age of 24 years and has completed her speciality in prosthodontics at the age of 29 years from University of dental medicine tunisia . then got her degrees of university teachers until becoming a full professor in prosthodontics at 2014 . she is teaching at the faculty of dental medicine and practicing in the academic hospital center of the dental faculty. She is supervising students, interns and resident at the departement of prosthodontics and holding tasks of clinical practice.

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