Smart railway system
K K Lee
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
: J Electr Eng Electron Technol
SRS monitors the condition of mission critical components of the railways such as wheels, axle boxes, primary suspensions of trains, rails, point machines, etc., to identify developing faults so that pre-emptive actions can be taken to avoid safety and reliability impacts to railway operations. Through the use of smart sensors such as FBG sensors, magneto-electric sensors, etc. measurement results are much more intelligent and immune to EMI than conventional electromechanical sensors. Moreover the use of a common platform would also replace the need for a dozen or so of standalone systems. SRS has been in use in the whole MTR network of Hong Kong for several years and with proven performance. It will also be installed in Singapore and Australia in the next few years. SRS has also been deployed successfully for investigational applications such as proving of structural integrity of car body, identification of high stress points in bogies, etc.