Smart grids, smart communities or smart consumers: Contributions from the social sciences to the analysis of energy transformations
Cecilio Ortiz Garcia
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, USA
: J Nucl Ene Sci Power Generat Technol
The introduction of disruptive energy technologies (DG, MG, RETs) have opened the door for interdisciplinary collaborations between engineering and the social sciences. These developments converge traditional power and electrical engineering “visions†of electrical systems with social science concepts such as governance (from public administration), environmental justice (sociology), community engagement and participation (community psychology). The interest on microgrids and the push for “smart†electrical systems provide us with the opportunity to expand the analysis of such systems beyond the usual techno-economic approach. This paper discusses the ways in which the social sciences can contribute to the design and implementation of sustainable policies towards the transformation of electric systems. It also links innovations at the electric system level with changes in the institutional and regime levels to foster improvements in energy policy design and a more sustainable implementation process. The paper uses case study methodologies to concentrate on energy transformation efforts in Puerto Rico, a US Island Territory in the Caribbean. This example presents, how on one hand technological innovation is being promoted as the precursor of systemic change, and in the other, social political and economic actors push for the capture of the policy process based on sectorial interests. This paper is based on the research on smart grids open access electric system by an interdisciplinary group at University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez and funded by the US National Science Foundation.