Science and business drivers in clinical biomarkers: focus on innovation and quality
Anka G Ehrhardt
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, USA
: J Pharm Drug Deliv Res
As science-driven businesses, innovative Biopharma companies must manage the inherent risks of being dependent on new discoveries with unknown probability of success. Besides business development activities, combined with various targetand compound- discovery strategies, biomarkers play an increasing role as tools to improve the probability of success. At the same time, the discovery and implementation of biomarkers becomes an additional investment, often with significant risk. On the example of flow cytometry based biomarkers, the presentation will illustrate strategies to develop and implement robust biomarker strategies for maximized return on investment.
Anka G. Ehrhardt is a biophysicist with a doctorate degree in human physiology. She is currently working in the United States building and directing a team applying the latest technologies in support of the development of new live saving drugs.