Role of servant leadership on nurses performance
Shehiryar Ahmed
Bahria University, Pakistan
: J Nurs Patient Care
Servant leadership is revolutionary and current type of leadership. This study is conducted to find the relationship between servant leadership and nursing staff performance in Pakistani healthcare sector. Managers should learn that their actions influence customer service of his subordinates. Generally if a manager treats his staff well, his staff treats their customers well and vice versa. In this respect servant leadership can be thought of as the ideal model leadership if the manager wants his staff to serve the customers literally. Population of this study in three cities i.e., Rawalpindi, Kohat and Peshawar, sample is one hospital in each city and convenient sampling is used. Relationship between servant leadership and customer service orientation will be explored through questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis will be used to test the conceptual model and hypothesis using AMOS version 17. Literature review has revealed that there is relationship between servant leadership and service orientation. It is expected that due to this study further research will be initiated in this area and eventually Pakistani hospitals will adopt servant leadership model which will be a source of fulfillment for employees and patients will get the best care.