Renewable energy and non-renewable energy is the major tool for the global reduction of poverty and hunger in the developing nations of the world like South Asia
Muhammad Usman and Muhammad Ali
Agricultural ResearchSystem
: J Nucl Ene Sci Power Generat Technol
The aim of presentation consist of renewable energy and non-renewable energy poverty and hunger were studied to find out the economical way of renewable energy and non-renewable energy for the reduction of global poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world like South Asia. A natural resource such as coal, gas, or oil that, once consumed, cannot be replaced. Most energy resources currently in use are non-renewable while the renewable ones (such as wind and solar power) are not well developed. Renewable Energy means all forms of energy produce from the renewable sources. The major sources of renewable energy like biomass, hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and ocean. In other word, energy derived from natural process such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, redaction and other natural elements with the sustainable yield are called renewable energy. Renewable energy and wind are the basic need of our life. Look at the universe, no activity is found without the use of energy. You name any action in the world; you will find the force of energy behind it. As reported, major sources of renewable energy and wind are the cheapest source of electricity but the two main problems in the developing nations that is densely population of 5.87 billion amongst the world population of 7.84 billion and concentration on non-renewable energy which are very costly although a great potential of renewable energy and wind are available. According to World Bank, about 1.4 billon peoples lack electricity in the world and nearly one billion peoples in the developing nations like South Asia go to bed hungry each night. It means, renewable energy and wind is the main substitute of poverty, increase agricultural and industry production, create employment, generate income as well as decreasing energy crises, which will reduce the global poverty and hunger in the developing nation of the world like South Asia.