Relevance of the accuracy of financial data in research work
Narcisa Roxana Mosteanu
American University in the Emirates, UAE
: J Comput Eng Inf Technol
This study aims to show how important data is in economic research, especially that which refers to public macroeconomic indicators. Data lead us to take financial decision. However, if the data is not accurate, the financial decision taken based on this can drive the business in an appropriate direction, not the one we considered to be. The research will present how, sometimes the data presented as official one is not reflecting the reality, and sometimes the way that the data are presented have a different mining as in the reality. Nowadays, researchers relied in their analyses more and more on the information provided by official websites. What the author faced in other research paper was that for the same indicators the data can be different, and, in other times, even if the data are the same, in the reality figures are dissimilar.