Preparation of catalyst-loaded viscose rayon fibers with sustainable antimicrobial functionality
Mekuriaw A Kebede, Toyoko Imae and Sabrina
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (ROC)
: J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol
Viscose rayon cellulose fiber was first selectively oxidized on its surface without significant loss of its pristine fiber structure so that carboxylate functional group was introduced on the fiber. Separately, uniformly dispersed silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) having sizes of 2-5 nm were prepared by using amine-terminated fourth generation poly (amido amine) dendrimer as a capping agent. Then, the AgNPs were immobilized on viscose rayon fibers through chemical reaction to form amide bond between terminal amine groups of dendrimer protector with the carboxylic acids on oxidized fibers. The loaded nanoparticles did not release away from the fiber even after 60 times washings. The AgNPs-loaded fibers (0.3 wt. %) has exhibited excellent biocidal activity against E. coli. Therefore, this procedure can be effective for theprolonged sustainment of similar bioactive agents on fibers and maximize the efficiency of the cellulose product for anticipated purposes.