Pre fragyl group:a sample of oral and systemic health in aging
Maria Cecilia Ciaccio Vendola, Wilson Jacob Filho
Sao Paulo University-Medical School
: J Aging Geriatr Med
Introduction: oral health has been understood as an important component of systemic health, providing an effective correlation between markers of oral vulnerability Objectives: to evaluate the different components of oral health in Pre-Frail older adults in the Frailty Syndrome. Materials and Methods: this is part of cross-sectional observational study (88 older adults aged 60 years or older),with 36 older people Pre Frail, 9 from Frailty Clinic and 27 from Health Promotion Clinic. All were evaluated by the same clinical-dental protocol, identifying the number of teeth, the type of dental prosthetics and the presence of lesions in the oral cavity. They were also evaluated by the GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assesment), an instrument that subjectively correlates quality of life with oral health. Information about systemic diseases and prescribed medications was obtained from the medical chart in the last visit prior to the face-to-face evaluation. Results: the total Pre Frail group has 55,5% of edentulous and showed in the GOHAI score poor oral hygiene and the higher median in Physical and Psychic dimensions were from Health Promotion Clinic and significance of p=0,005 and p=0,001, respectively. In parallel, the number of systemic diseases had a higher average among the Pre Frail from Frailty Clinic (p<0.001), as well as the number of medications used (p=0,037). Conclusion: the older adults Pre-Frail from Frailty Clinic have poorer oral hygiene with negative selt image, a higher number of systemic diseases and of medications used than those enrolled in the Health Promotion Clinic; all them have few teeth’s, then showing that oral health should be understood as one of the predictors of the Frailty Syndrome in older adults.