Photographic standardization in orthodontics
Faisal Arshad
RajaRajeswari Dental College & Hospital, India.
: Dent Health Curr Res
Introduction: Extraoral photographs taken for Orthodontic treatment are the best ways to assess the patients facial form and soft tissue characteristics. It will be definitely be a boon if the measurements taken on the photograph are almost near to the actual measurements so that such record are useful in making measurements even in patients absence. Methods: Standardization was done using patients extraoral photographs which were taken in a custom made frame with scale like measurements on all the borders. Measurements were taken with and without the custom made scale by 2 observers at 2 different times. All the readings were tabulated in the excel sheet and sent for statistical analysis. Results: The results revealed that photographs without standardization showed a reduction in measures whereas the cephalograms which were standardized were comparable to direct measurements (p<0.05). Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrates the robustness of the proposed method in standardizing different photographs which can used for evaluating the facial photographs in treatment planning. Key words: Photographic standardization, custom made scale border, orthodontic photography.
Dr. Faisal Arshad is a prominent figure in the field of orthodontics, serving at the Department of Orthodontics in RajaRajeswari Dental College & Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Renowned for his expertise in corrective dental procedures, Dr. Arshad is dedicated to enhancing smiles and oral health. His contributions to the field have earned him acclaim and gratitude from patients and colleagues alike.