PHI: The new gold rush
Mitchell Harris
SIEMbolic, USA
: J Pharm Sci Emerg Drugs
Cyberattacks are increasing at exponential rates, and healthcare is on the forefront as the #1 targeted industry. Learn why Protected Health Information (PHI) has become so valuable and how everyone, regardless of their position, role, or location in the supply chain–has an important part to play. Gain an understanding of the most utilized threat, how to mitigate your risk, how to protect your organization, and how to ensure your organization remains compliant. This session will educate attendees on how attackers compromise networks to steal protected health information. They will learn why hackers target PHI and what they do with it once it's stolen. Information will be presented on current compliance standards and why they are not enough. Details will be given as to how an organization can be considered compliant yet still be vulnerable to an attack and how to better protect your organizations' data to not only remain compliant but to ensure PHI is not leaked to unauthorized individuals.