Brigitte Barrois

PERSE (French PUAP), France

: J Regen Med


PERSE (French national pressure ulcer advisory panel) was created in 1991. Missions are prevention, education and research about PU (Pressure Ulcers). 25 years history results are registered on assessments: epidemiology is the one of the bests. PERSE Constitution: Professional group with medical doctors, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and researchers. PERSE Field of Interest: Assessment and care, patients typology (geriatrics, spinal cord injured, infants), pressure ulcers (risk factors, stage, locations, etiology), aging process, nutrition, wound healing, germs, pain, dressings, treatments, innovation, costs and public healthcare education. PERSE Results: National Guidelines in accordance with international guidelines: PU prevention and treatment for adults and elderly in 2001 updated in 2012, Medical and surgical care for PU in neurologic diseases in 2016. Research: Fundamental on microcirculation, clinical microbiology, epidemiology (national in hospitalized, elderly, intensive care, at home), applied with companies researchers. Education Development: National meeting conferences, annual educational conference, journal and university degrees. PERSE Actions Impact: Epidemiological research results = prevalence and PU severity decrease in France. We can check this impact in Gonesse French hospital were a multi professional PU group has been working on education and assessment since 25 years and where prevalence is under national level : i.e. 6.8% PERSE Objectives for Next 25 Years: Improve at risk patients tracking to improve right care to right patient and to reduce PU.


Brigitte Barrois is PMR medical Doctor in a French large hospital in Paris area. She works on PU research: epidemiology and risk assessments. She is consultant for the French PUAP.

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