Pan-tropical distribution of the Jurassic ostreid bivalves and factors control
Jin Geng Sha, Xin Rao, Hua Wei Cai, Yan Hong Pan and Ya Qiong Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
: J Mar Biol Oceanogr
Globally, the Jurassic cemented ostreid bivalves from northern Tibet, SW China, have a pan-tropical distribution pattern between palaeolatitudes of 600 South and North. Ostreid bivalves have tiny to large larvae, and nearly all of them have a cemented mode of life during their adult stage. The distribution pattern and the habits of the Jurassic ostreid bivalves revealed that, in the Jurassic time interval, all seas and oceans were interconnected, and ostreid bivalves were very capable of dispersion through their planktonic larval stage or as pseudo plankton during the post-larval stage, and even were able to cross the palaeoPacific Ocean from east to west. However, latitudinal temperature variation limited the distribution of these thermophilous bivalves to the lower and middle latitudes.
Jin Geng Sha is a research professor of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS). After finishing his PhD at NIGPAS and the British Museum (Natural History), he serves in NIGPAS. His interests are on Mesozoic bivalves, stratigraphy, palaeogeography and lake systems, and the geological evolution of Qinghai–Xizang (Tibet) Plateau.