Optimization of growth of Spirulina platensis in photo-bioreactor for production of bioactive constants; 2-lipophilic constituents

Gamal El-Baroty

Cairo University, Egypt

: J Plant Physiol Pathol


Page 40 Plant Science 2015 September 21-23, 2015 Notes: Volume 2 Issue 5 J Plant Physiol Pathol 2015 ISSN: 2329-955X JPPP Plant Science September 21-23, 2015 San Antonio, USA Global Summit on Optimization of growth of Spirulina platensis in photo-bioreactor for production of bioactive constants; 2-lipophilic constituents Gamal El-Baroty Cairo University, Egypt I n batch ten liter photo-bioreactor, Spirulina platensis microalgae were cultured in zarrouk medium containing different nitrogen concentrations at pH 9.8 incubated for 15 days. The pH and biomass in algae cultures grow at different N2 concentration (N-limitation, N-optimal and N-rich medium) for production of total lipids and its fatty acids profile and total carotenoidscons instants BCs was comparatively studied in biomass after 16 days. Among all S. platensis cultures, the concentration of total lipid content extracted by dichloromethane/methanol (1:1, v/v, with 1:30 microalgae dry weight to solvent ratio) by different extraction methods cold Col, sonication Son and microwave MIc in N-limitation cultures were increased significantly compared with that in both N-optimal and N-rich culture. According to the lipid yields, the order of extraction efficiency on S. platensis could be ranked Mic>Son>Col. In comparative studied for its fatty acid profiles among all of microalgae cultures analyzed by GC/MS, the most abandoned fatty acids were palmitic acid (C16:0) and mirestic acid (C14:0) belonging to saturated fatty acids (SFA); oleic (C1:1) and palmitolic acid (C16:1) belonging to mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Also, TL of Spirulina contained significant amounts of linoleic acid and γ-linolenic acid. Moreover, S. platensis cultivated in N-limitation media (45.54 mg/g), total carotenoids TCAR contents were higher than that found in both N-optimal (11.2 mg/g) and N-rich culture (6.23 mg/g).


Gamal El-Baroty, Biochemistry Department, Cairo University, PhD in 1988 My Scopus H-index and Google Scholar are 11 and 18; respectively. I have 100 research papers. I have close to thirty five years’ experience in Natural products, pollution chemistry and chemical instrumentation analysis all in the US (Environmental Research Center at the University of Nevada, 1990-1991 and Texas S. University, interval from 1991-2009) and in Egypt. I am thoroughly, familiar with the operation of a large variety of analytical instruments used for monitoring pollution and identification of natural; products. These include gas chromatography, GC/MS, GC/MS/MS, mass spectroscopy MS, infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, high-pressure liquid chromatography HPLC, capillary gas chromatography, super-critical fluid chromatography SCFC atomic absorption spectrophotometer AA, electrophoresis, and selective ion electrodes, ICP, ICP-MS, LC-Ms-MS. I participated in many funded projects at Cairo University, Nevada and Texas Southern University, where testing a wide variety of environmental organic pollutants and heavy metals in water, plant and animal tissues were performed. I have a longstanding experience in lipid chemistry, marine chemistry, biochemistry and chemistry of essential oils, as a result I received many local and international grand in varied area including: biodiesel, food functional, bioactive substances from wild plant and spices. I received too many prestige’s National Awards.


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