Nutraceutical application in integrative cancer treatment and prevention
Simon Hsia
DoWell Laboratories Inc., USA
: J Food Nutr Disor
Total nutrition support plays a crucial role in Complementary and Alternative Medicine now as demonstrated by the growing number of published papers on the subject. Tumor-induced metabolic changes quickly compromise nutritional status resulting in cancer cachexia, poor response to treatment, and a decreased quality of life. In our studies, we found our special nutraceutiacal formula has synergistic effects with cancer drugs on suppression of immune suppressor markers, down-regulating inflammatory mediators as opposed to increase of anti-tumor immunity, leading to inhibit tumor growth and attenuate cachectic symptoms. Moreover, our formula can prevent GI damage caused by cancer treatment and also prevent metastases by significantly reduce the level of VEGF, and has a strong apoptotic effect on tumor cells. Properties of cancer stem cells are involved in drug resistance, and the relapse of cancer which can significantly affect tumor therapy. Our latest research has shown that nutraceutical intervention can induce cancer stem cell suicide and inhibit its “stemness” properties including self-renewal, differentiation and proliferative potential.; moreover, can have the same therapeutic effect as the latest immunotherapy which targets PD-L1 and boosts the immune response against cancer cells, but without side effects. This stunning new discovery means nutraceutical intervention belong in the front line of the battle for cancer treatment.
Simon Hsia is currently the CEO of NH Nutraceutical Inc., the president of DoWell Laboratories Inc., and the honorary Chairman of Taiwan Nutraceutical Association. He had over 30 years of major corporate experience in product research and development with expertise in dietary supplements, nutraceutical products, OTC drugs, skin care, and etc. He holds 14 US patents related to nutraceutical formulations and raw material process. He published a book titled Nutraceutical Mystic Glamour in 2008. He is the project leader for numerous clinical studies and he has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals.